People are always trying to save gas. It may be easier than you think and a stop by your local Clarke Automotive may save you a couple hundred dollars in fuel over time. You may not need auto repair in Brandon FL currently, but maintenance is just as important if you're looking to save money on gas.
Our top three fuel saving tips:
1. Check Your Tire Pressure: Low tire pressure is one of the most commonly ignored causes of bad fuel efficiency in vehicles. Essentially, low pressure tires have more rolling resistance on the roads. This means your engine has to work harder to keep your tire moving, thus lowering your MPG. Come into Clarke Automotive today if you aren't sure how to check your tire pressure or if you have any questions.
2. Check Your Air Filter: A dirty air filter impedes the flow of air into the engine, which lowers performance and fuel economy in your vehicle. Air filters are inexpensive to replace and can save you hundreds of dollars over time. This is just one more thing that the professionals at Clarke Automotive can help you replace.
3. Slow Down: I definitely noticed a change in my fuel economy when I'm driving over the speed limit for long distances on the highway. Slow down and take it easy. Doing the speed limit instead of driving 10 miles over the speed limit can mean a big difference in fuel efficiency and your wallet will thank you for that.